Starobystrické penovcové pramenisko

Kód územia


Výmera územia

10,327 ha


Dátum návrhu


Dátum aktualizácie



Územia na mape

Správca územia

Administration of PLA Kysuce

tel:+421 41 433 56 06
fax:+421 41 433 56 08
Slovak Republic
U Tomali č.1511

Katastrálne územia

Radôstka, Stará Bystrica

Súradnice stredu územia (WGS84)

Zemepisná šírka


Zemepiská dĺžka


Nadmorská výška (m)







Biogeografický región

alpský región

Biotopy, ktoré sú predmetom ochrany

  • 7220 - Penovcové prameniská
  • 9130 - Bukové a jedľové kvetnaté lesy

Druhy, ktoré sú predmetom ochrany

Cypripedium calceolus

Popis územia

The site belongs to Kysucká vrchovina, is situated at the northern edge of the subassemblies Vojenné. Geology: flysch zone - Magura sheet, the unit formed of claystone, sandstone. Spring fens complex is situated in the outskirts of the forest at the foot of the slope above the river. Its total length is about 30m, the lower edge of the pavement reached 15 to 20 m. At the bottom are two springs with dimensions of 10 x 3 m and 8 x 2 m, funded by spring water from top of the spring complex. The low ridge between the springs on the lower slope habitat is locality with the population of Cypripedium calceolus. This unit is currently wooded glade. In the spring complex are the fir-spruce, fir-beech and secondary forests.

Ciele ochrany

The site is proposed due to the preservation of more complex petrified spring areas in the outskirts of forest, with the lower edge of the woodless wetland habitats and the populations of Cypripedium calceolus on the slope to the drier edges of petrified spring complexes. When changing the forestry management plans it is considered to change the allocation of functional areas within the forest, with lower stocking around petrified springs. In the rest of the site it is planned to influence the development of beech and fir forests with spruce, particularly in the vicinity of the above complex habitats. If necessary, it is possible to consider the reduction the areas of functional areas of SCI committed to change for the needs of forestry management plan of petrified springs for the purpose of protection of habitats and species (estimated at about 10% of the current acreage of the site).


The site is threatened by damage to valuable habitats and species habitat by logging and skidding and also by intervention in the hydrological regime to stabilize landslides. Threats to the population of Cypripedium calceolus is in collection of attractive flowers in the locality near the settlement. Actual activities related to cycling, start-initiated landslides and their need for stabilization and access road to the hunter watchtower are also the threat.


Vplyvy a aktivity v území a jeho kontaktnej zóne

Vyssia kategoria(kod - nazov) Nazov aktivity
B - Pestovanie lesa, lesníctvo  
  Výsadba na nelesnej ploche - nepôvodné druhy
K - prírodné biotické a abiotícké procesy (okrem katastrof)  
  eutrofizácia (prirodzená)
  medzidruhové vzťahy (flóra)

Ostatné druhy

Actitis hypoleucos, Alcedo atthis, Carex flava, Cinclus cinclus, Eleocharis uniglumis, Epipactis palustris, Henia illyrica, Motacilla cinerea, Neomys fodiens, Parnassia palustris, Salamandra salamandra, Valeriana simplicifolia

Vyhodnotenie stavu ochrany pre zoologické monitorované druhy

Názov druhu LT Názov druhu SK Taxonomická skupina Dobrý (%) Nevyhovujúci (%) Zlý (%) Akcia
Ciconia ciconia (Linnaeus, 1758) bocian biely vtáky 0,0 0,0 100,0 Zobraziť druh v atlase
Falco columbarius Linnaeus, 1758 sokol kobec vtáky 0,0 0,0 100,0 Zobraziť druh v atlase

Vyhodnotenie stavu ochrany pre botanické monitorované druhy

Názov druhu LT Názov druhu SK Taxonomická skupina Dobrý (%) Nevyhovujúci (%) Zlý (%) Akcia
Cypripedium calceolus črievičník papučkový vyššie rastliny 0,0 100,0 0,0 Zobraziť druh v atlase

Všeobecná štatistika živočíchov

Všeobecná štatistika rastlín