Badínsky prales

Kód územia


Výmera územia

153,420 ha


Dátum návrhu


Dátum aktualizácie



Územia na mape

Správca územia

Administration of PLA Poľana

tel: 45 533 48 34
fax:+421 45 533 36 57
Slovak Republic
ul. J. M. Hurbana 20

Katastrálne územia


Súradnice stredu územia (WGS84)

Zemepisná šírka


Zemepiská dĺžka


Nadmorská výška (m)







Biogeografický región

alpský región

Biotopy, ktoré sú predmetom ochrany

  • 8220 - Silikátové skalné steny a svahy so štrbinovou vegetáciou
  • 9130 - Bukové a jedľové kvetnaté lesy
  • 9180 - Lipovo-javorové sutinové lesy

Druhy, ktoré sú predmetom ochrany

Bombina variegata, Boros schneideri, Buxbaumia viridis, Canis lupus, Lynx lynx, Myotis bechsteinii, Rhysodes sulcatus, Rosalia alpina, Ursus arctos

Popis územia

Basement of the site is built by pyroclastic rocks of various type (pyroclastics, pyroxenic andesite conglomerates, andesites). Slopes with gradient varying between 20-40% are usually smooth surfaced. Where wind throws have occurred characteristic pit and mound microtopography has developed. Remnants of lava flow penetrate the surface to form rocky faces, columns and rock shelters in the area of buffer zone. Steeper slopes are typical for scree fields with rock debris of different size. The site enjoys cool and humid climate of northern, north-eastern and north-western aspect. From the primeval forest development point of view, all three principal developmental stages of the European primeval forests (ingrowth, optimum, disintegration) are considered present. The site falls into the core area of Laurín and belongs to one of the most valuable nature conservation areas in Kremnické vrchy Hills.

Ciele ochrany

The site harbours the exceptionally well-preserved climax forest communities of beech altitudinal forest vegetation zone. These communities sustain the natural dynamics and biodiversity of the primeval forest ecosystems and provide home to all major species of large carnivores present in Slovakia, namely brown bear Ursus arctos, gray wolf Canis lupus and European lynx Lynx lynx. The site has been designated a national nature reserve.


The site itself is presently not subjected to any form of common anthropogenic activity and is therefore considered sufficiently stable and resistant to all major harmful agents with potential to impact the site. The site is characteristic for a high degree of self-regulation typical for all natural ecosystems. Odd remnants of charcoal burning and traces of now vegetation overgrown old forest track are to be found scattered across the site. North-eastern margin of the site features valley situated fully operational main forest road. Buffer zone of the reserve is cut through by a skidding road. Sections of the site featuring changed tree species composition shall be improved by the implementation of management measures aimed at the restoration of the original tree species representation and enhancement of their balance. Excluding the unavoidable impact of generally acknowledged global threats to the environment such as climate change and pollution there is not foreseen any other apparent adverse impact of anthropogenic activities on the communities of the site in the future.


state - 100 %

Vplyvy a aktivity v území a jeho kontaktnej zóne

Vyssia kategoria(kod - nazov) Nazov aktivity
K - prírodné biotické a abiotícké procesy (okrem katastrof)  
  škody spôsobené hlodavcami (vrátane poľovnej zveri)

Ostatné druhy

Brachyptera starmachi, Bufo bufo, Cephalanthera rubra, Dryudella lineata, Emblethis duplicatus, Henia illyrica, Choreia maculata, Meles meles, Neomys anomalus, Neomys fodiens, Salamandra salamandra, Sciurus vulgaris, Sorex araneus, Triturus alpestris, Veronica urticifolia, Zootoca vivipara

Vyhodnotenie stavu ochrany pre zoologické monitorované druhy

Názov druhu LT Názov druhu SK Taxonomická skupina Dobrý (%) Nevyhovujúci (%) Zlý (%) Akcia
Boros schneideri (Panzer, 1795) boros schneiderov chrobáky 0,0 0,0 100,0 Zobraziť druh v atlase
Carabus (Hygrocarabus) variolosus variolosus Fabricius, 1787 bystruška potočná chrobáky 0,0 100,0 0,0 Zobraziť druh v atlase
Rosalia alpina alpina Linnaeus, 1758 fuzáč alpský chrobáky 0,0 100,0 0,0 Zobraziť druh v atlase

Vyhodnotenie stavu ochrany pre botanické monitorované druhy

Názov druhu LT Názov druhu SK Taxonomická skupina Dobrý (%) Nevyhovujúci (%) Zlý (%) Akcia
Buxbaumia viridis kyjanôčka zelená machorasty 50,0 33,3 16,7 Zobraziť druh v atlase

Všeobecná štatistika živočíchov

Všeobecná štatistika rastlín