
Kód územia


Výmera územia

6,122 ha


Dátum návrhu


Dátum aktualizácie



Územia na mape

Správca územia

Administration of NP Muránska Planina

tel:+421 58 442 20 61
+421 58 442 61 19
fax:+421 58 442 61 19
Slovak Republic
ul. Janka Kráľa 12

Katastrálne územia

Pohronská Polhora, Tisovec

Súradnice stredu územia (WGS84)

Zemepisná šírka


Zemepiská dĺžka


Nadmorská výška (m)







Biogeografický región

alpský región

Biotopy, ktoré sú predmetom ochrany

  • 6430 - Vlhkomilné vysokobylinné lemové spoločenstvá na poriečnych nivách od nížin do aplpínskeho stupňa
  • 7140 - Prechodné rašeliniská a trasoviská

Druhy, ktoré sú predmetom ochrany

Bombina variegata

Popis územia

The site is part of the geological site of a large area of crystalline Kráľovohoľský complex dominated by granodiorite to siliceous diorite. According to the geomorphological division the site belongs to the territory of the Slovenské rudohorie, Veporské vrchy, subassemblies Balocké vrchy. The site consist of wider saddle depressions with a slope of 0-3 degrees. Non-forest peatland communities are present in majority of the area, mostly Sphagno-recurve-Caricion canescentis (habitats of European importance transition mires and quaking bogs - 7140). Their existence support sustained presence of wet or moist habitats, at least oligotrophic character. In some minor parts are also found Caricion fuscae - moss and sedge-grass communities of wet grassland habitats on mineral soils (within the habitat 7140). Some areas and wet meadows and wet series are occupied by Molinietalia, Calthion groups (habitats of European and national importance - Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels (6430) and Atlanic and sub-Atlantic humid meadows). Part of the territory, especially in parts with springs, is overgrown by shrub willows, or other seeding plants.

Ciele ochrany

The site overlaps with the Nature reserve Rosiarka, which was established by generally binding ordinance of the Regional Office in Banska Bystrica no. 9 / 1996 of 20 December 1996. The main objective of the Nature reserve Rosiarka is to ensure protection of the transitional mire and wet forest communities with typical and rare representatives of flora and fauna of Balocké vrchy (e.g. Drosera rotundifolia, Dolometes fimbriatus). The site is part of the well-preserved, unique and actually rapidly disappearing peatlands and other wetland habitats. Transition mires and quaking bogs habitats (7140) (Sphagno-recurve-Caricion canescentis and Caricion fuscae), which are the main subject of protection, generally have great importance for the conservation of genetic resources. Probably represent the best preserved bog habitats in the Klenovský Vepor region. For its originality and preservation of the site is important also for scientific research, cultural-cognitive and educational purposes. The area is located within the buffer zone of Muranska planina National Park.


In the past in part of the site some irregularly cutting of successional tree was executed. Location was probably in the distant past managed by mowing. The negative anthropogenic impact was recorded in the territory due to the activities related to hunting (hunting watchtower is in territory, in the vicinity were "placed" a variety of attractive fruit (bait for deer), which were the cause of habitat degradation on the site, including the proliferation of non-native species (weeds). The site is threatened in certain sections by secondary succession (overgrowing by successional species, including tree - shrub willow or alder and spruce individuals). It is necessary to prevent the transport of the timber harvested in surrounding forests through the SCI, respectively it`s border.


Vplyvy a aktivity v území a jeho kontaktnej zóne

Vyssia kategoria(kod - nazov) Nazov aktivity
A - poľnohospodárstvo  
  opustenie pasenia, nedostačné pasenie
B - Pestovanie lesa, lesníctvo  
  Výsadba na nelesnej ploche - nepôvodné druhy
F - využívanie biologických zdrojov iných ako poľnohospodárstvo a lesníctvo  
K - prírodné biotické a abiotícké procesy (okrem katastrof)  
  akumulácia organického materiálu

Ostatné druhy

Drosera rotundifolia, Triturus alpestris

Vyhodnotenie stavu ochrany pre zoologické monitorované druhy

Názov druhu LT Názov druhu SK Taxonomická skupina Dobrý (%) Nevyhovujúci (%) Zlý (%) Akcia
Ciconia ciconia (Linnaeus, 1758) bocian biely vtáky 0,0 100,0 0,0 Zobraziť druh v atlase

Všeobecná štatistika živočíchov