
Kód územia


Výmera územia

16,071 ha


Dátum návrhu


Dátum aktualizácie



Územia na mape

Správca územia

Administration of NP Muránska Planina

tel:+421 58 442 20 61
+421 58 442 61 19
fax:+421 58 442 61 19
Slovak Republic
ul. Janka Kráľa 12

Katastrálne územia

Pohronská Polhora

Súradnice stredu územia (WGS84)

Zemepisná šírka


Zemepiská dĺžka


Nadmorská výška (m)







Biogeografický región

alpský región

Biotopy, ktoré sú predmetom ochrany

  • 6430 - Vlhkomilné vysokobylinné lemové spoločenstvá na poriečnych nivách od nížin do aplpínskeho stupňa
  • 6510 - Nížinné a podhorské kosné lúky
  • 7140 - Prechodné rašeliniská a trasoviská

Popis územia

The site is in terms of geological part of crystalline kráľovohoľský complex. Located in the Slovenské rudohorie - in the Veporské vrchy by the Fabová hoľa (SEE slope) near the village Pohronská Polhora. The site has a character of wet peat meadows; is partly overgrown by cane and the shrub willows. Valuable habitats (European importance) are transitional mires and quaking bogs (7140), in which has been detected as endangered and nationally protected moss Helodium blandowii (relic). The other protected and rare species found here: Dactylorhiza majalis, Drosera rotundifolia, Pedicularis palustris, Parnassus palustris and Menyanthes trifoliata. The site is also represented by another habitat of European importance - Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels (6430). The habitats of national significance are represented by the Atlantic and sub-Atlantic humid meadows and common reed beds, which occupy a substantial part of the territory.

Ciele ochrany

The site is located within the buffer zone of Muranska planina National Park. The site consists of transition mires and quaking bogs habitat (7140), which is in the massif of Fabová hoľa very rare. The significance of territory multiplies the occurrence of protected and rare plant species - Dactylorhiza majalis, Drosera rotundifolia, Helodium blandowii, Menyanthes trifoliate (species of national importance). It is one of the two known sites of protected bryophyte Helodium blandowii in Veporské vrchy.


Parts of the territory - especially in grassland habitats in the past were implemented mowing (1-2 times per year); peat habitats in the past regularly mowed, actually it is not mowed. Places where sugar cane used to be were influenced by uncontrolled fire in the spring time. The negative anthropogenic impact in the area is reported by the occurrence of drainage trenches. In the northern part of the territory is bordering with the arable land. The site is particularly threatened by secondary succession (overgrowing).


Vplyvy a aktivity v území a jeho kontaktnej zóne

Vyssia kategoria(kod - nazov) Nazov aktivity
A - poľnohospodárstvo  
H - znečistenie  
  znečistenie pôdy a pevný odpad
J - prirodzené zmeny systému  
  zazemňovanie, rekultivácie a vysušovanie, všeobecne
K - prírodné biotické a abiotícké procesy (okrem katastrof)  
  akumulácia organického materiálu

Ostatné druhy

Dactylorhiza majalis, Drosera rotundifolia, Helodium blandowii, Menyanthes trifoliata, Parnassia palustris