
Kód územia


Výmera územia

400,553 ha


Dátum návrhu


Dátum aktualizácie



Územia na mape

Správca územia

Administration of PLA Kysuce

tel:+421 41 433 56 06
fax:+421 41 433 56 08
Slovak Republic
U Tomali č.1511

Katastrálne územia

Horná Mariková, Lazy pod Makytou

Súradnice stredu územia (WGS84)

Zemepisná šírka


Zemepiská dĺžka


Nadmorská výška (m)







Biogeografický región

alpský región

Biotopy, ktoré sú predmetom ochrany

  • 6510 - Nížinné a podhorské kosné lúky
  • 9110 - Kyslomilné bukové lesy
  • 9130 - Bukové a jedľové kvetnaté lesy
  • 9180 - Lipovo-javorové sutinové lesy

Druhy, ktoré sú predmetom ochrany

Barbastella barbastellus, Bombina variegata, Buxbaumia viridis, Lucanus cervus, Lynx lynx, Myotis myotis, Rosalia alpina, Ursus arctos

Popis územia

The site harbours a complex of the forest communities of the south-western part of Vysoké Javorníky Mts. (more precisely part called Lazianska vrchovina Upland). Basement is formed by a set of flysch layers featuring claystone and chiefly glauconitic type of sandstone of the Rača geological unit. Side ridge of Javorníky Mts. is rather rocky and comprises of rocky outcrops and lower rock faces providing habitats for several common species of maple and rowan. Predominately mixed forest stands of the area with a distinct admixture of silver fir Abies alba in the situations on the transition between montane and submontane forest altitudinal vegetation zones are accompanied by the habitat type C2.31 Soft water springs (EUNIS, also classed as 54.11 habitat type in CORINE). Marginal settings also feature streams with communities of montane alderwoods. The site supports several species of endangered animals of European importance. Large carnivores are represented by species Ursus arctos, Lynx lynx and Felis silvestris.

Ciele ochrany

The site represents a complex of the native beech woods marked for the distinct admixture of tree species silver fir Abies alba. The site is situated near the central ridge of the Javorníky Mts. and provides habitat for a great variety of fauna species including several species of European importance. One of the species featured is brown bear Ursus arctos. Its local population represents the western limit of its Carpathian range with records of individual specimen migrating to the neighbouring Czech Republic. Common lynx Lynx lynx is present in several refuges within the western limit of its Carpathian range. Lucanus cervus, species of European importance, is featured here in its northernmost limit of Slovak range. The site is situated within the boundaries of the Protected Landscape Area Kysuce. Its central part was designated a nature reserve in 1993.


The key threat factors include timber felling (provided clearcut silvicultural system leading to the disturbance of natural balance of local forests is applied), planting of non-native tree species, establishment of the monoculture stands, development of new recreational facilities, uncontrollable hiking activities, mountain biking, sporting hunting and collection of forest products in the areas belonging to the strictest 5th level of protection.


private - 19.313 % state - 80.687 %

Vplyvy a aktivity v území a jeho kontaktnej zóne

Vyssia kategoria(kod - nazov) Nazov aktivity
B - Pestovanie lesa, lesníctvo  
  Výsadba na nelesnej ploche
  Výsadba na nelesnej ploche - nepôvodné druhy
D - doprava a komunikácie  
  chodníky, poľné cesty, cyklotrasy
  elektrické a telefónne vedenie
E - urganizácia, sídla a rozvoj  
  nakladanie s inertnými materiálmi
F - využívanie biologických zdrojov iných ako poľnohospodárstvo a lesníctvo  
  zber (hmyz, plazy, obojživelníky)
  vyberanie hniezd
  kladenie pascí, otrávených návnad, pytliactvo
  drancovanie floristických lokalít
G - ľudské vplyvy  
  pešia turistika, jazdectvo a bezmotorové zariadenia
  motorizované zariadenia
  lyžovanie, skialpinizmus
  lyžiarske stredisko
  iné športovné / rekreačné zariadenia
J - prirodzené zmeny systému  
  požiar a potlačenie požiaru
  budovanie kanálov
K - prírodné biotické a abiotícké procesy (okrem katastrof)  

Ostatné druhy

Anguis fragilis, Aremonia agrimonoides, Baetis niger, Brachyptera starmachi, Carex remota, Carorita limnaea, Cryptocheilus richardsi, Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Driomys nitedula, Dryudella lineata, Eliomys quercinus, Emblethis duplicatus, Emus hirtus, Erinaceus concolor, Glis (Myoxus) glis, Henia illyrica, Lilium martagon, Martes foina, Meles meles, Mustela erminea, Mustela nivalis, Natrix natrix, Platanthera bifolia, Salamandra salamandra, Sciurus vulgaris, Senecio rivularis, Sorex araneus, Triturus alpestris, Valeriana simplicifolia, Vipera berus, Zootoca vivipara